
The Ceremony of Elevation and Enthronement

May 7, 2022 | 6:00pm

Community Gospel Concert

Celebrating Word of Life Fellowship Church’s 30th Anniversary 

May 21, 2022 | 6:00pm

congratulations to our Kingdom Empowerment 2022 Graduates

Holiday Community Giveback

Kingdom Empowerment was busy over the Holidays. Thank you Kingdom Family for making it possible to Bless 5 children with winter coats. From Ohio to Louisiana #BeABlessing #KingdomEmpowerment #feedingthespirit #TheLordsWork

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Our Organizers

Senior Pastor

Dr. Charles Jack Durbin

Senior Pastor


Dr. Carolyn Stevenson Durbin

Senior Pastor


Corey J. Jones

MA Executive Pastor

Tamela Jones

Tameka Jones

Director of Fashion & Merchandise 
Director of Education

Courtney A. Jones

Director of Education

small efforts make big change