Welcome To

Kingdom Empowerment

Where we are Feeding the Spirit

21 Day Corporate Prayer And Fast

Breakthrough The Ordinary

Church Mission

Kingdom Empowerment exist to feed the spirit of the believer in the 21st century by providing ministry training & leadership development for the marketplace.

Just Can't Tell It All Series

Fellowship With Us





The Leadership

Senior Pastor

Senior Pastor

Dr. Charles Jack Durbin


Dr. Charles Jack Durbin is an American preacher, teacher, and entrepreneur. Dr. Durbin, with over 49 years in ministry is Founder and Senior Pastor of Kingdom Empowerment Ministries, a non-denominational church in Montgomery, Alabama and Indianapolis, Indiana.  He along with his wife also serve as Overseers of United Sons and Daughters ministries located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


Senior Pastor

Dr. Carolyn Stevenson Durbin


Dr. Carolyn Stevenson Durbin is an American preacher, teacher, and entrepreneur. Dr. Durbin, with over 45 years in ministry is cofounder and Pastor of Kingdom Empowerment Ministries, a non-denominational church in Montgomery, Alabama and Indianapolis, Indiana. She along with her husband also serve as Overseers of United Sons and Daughters ministries located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Executive Pastor

Corey J. Jones MA


Corey Jones was born in New Orleans, La. With a passion for music he received a Bachelors in Entrepreneurship Recording Technology and Video Production from Bowling Green State University in Ohio. After graduation Corey Married the women of his dream Tameka in Houston Tx. They have been married for 5 years and are the parents of Cali and Carmyn Jones. Corey always loved the Lord but answered the call to Ministry.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.  Matthew 6:21(KJV)


that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man

Ephesians 3: 16

Jaleana C. Stevenson


Jaleana C. Stevenson


Jaleena C. Stevenson was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and later relocated to Washington, D.C. with her family as a teen. Jaleana is a talented world traveler who loves fashion and creativity. Her life purpose has been to inspire, empower, educate and enlighten. Her family’s history in education, healthcare and law enforcement has given her the foundation and responsibility to be a defender of the defenseless, a voice for the voiceless, and to bring deeper understanding and knowledge of social issues. This passion and legacy has also been instilled into her daughter (Javen K. Stevenson) who is the character designer of Jibari. 


Kingdom Kids

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’” Matthew 19:14.

We encourage children to praise and worship God. “From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise?” Matthew 21:16.

small efforts make big change